Equality objectives
We aim to provide the highest possible education for all across the Federation.
The ethos of our schools clearly reflect our commitment to fully including, respecting and supporting all members of our school community whatever their cultural background, belief, gender, race or disability.
We recognise that the public sector equality duty has three aims and they are to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct under the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
- foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not
The Leadership Team and Governors across the Federation review how well we achieve these aims with regard to the protected groups under the Equality Act every year.
Our Equality Objectives
Having referred to and analysed our equality information we have set the following objectives:
Objective 1:
To ensure that the curriculum effectively supports the needs of all children, with particular reference to vulnerable groups.
Objective 2:
To ensure that there are no differences in progress or confidence due to cultural background, belief, gender, race or disability.
Objective 3:
To provide a balance of gender role models for all children.
Our Equality Policy
Our policy is reviewed every four years, but published annually. Our current policy runs from 2020 to 2024.