Online Safety
Online Safety at ASPIRE (Platts Heath, Ulcombe, Kingswood and Leeds and Broomfield)
Online safety is embedded within our PSCHE curriculum under ‘living in the wider world’ and within in our computing curriculum. Each term the computing curriculum begins with a session on E-safety and over the academic year there is coverage over a whole term. As technology moves very fast there is always a weekly opportunity for teachers to talk to their class about being online; what apps they are playing, who they are talking to and discuss the things they are accessing. This is a safe and supportive time for children to share and for teachers to support if necessary to ensure that children are being safe online.
All staff have a responsibility for online safety. Mrs F Steer (Head of School L&B) has the overarching responsibility of online safety alongside the DSL. Regular email updates are shared with all staff. These come from and Parents are regularly updated on latest news, advice and tips through newsletters, presentations and emails.
Annually a 360 audit is completed of our online safety across Aspire. This is shared and discussed amongst the Aspire heads and actions made when needed.
- Child Protection Policy (KCC Aug 24) ASPIRE Sept 24 (On-Line Extract)
- Acceptable Use of Technology for Staff, Visitors and Volunteers 22
- Acceptable Use of Technology Parents_Carers 22
- E-safety-posters-a3-infant
- E-safety-posters-a3-junior
- Mobile and Smart Technology Policy (EdPeople Aug 21) ASPIRE NS Mar 22.
- Social Media Policy (EdPeople Aug 21) ASPIRE NS Mar 22.
- Anti-Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy (KCC)
- Image Use Policy Sept 24 ASPIRE
Being Safe Online Is Important
Clcik on the documents/links below or use CEOP to report an issue.